Green Gold™ | Vegetables

| Products | Green Gold™ | Vegetables


Bell pepper, or capsicum, crops will grow better in crushed coco chips and coco peat than in soil. Our substrates, made of high quality raw material, adapt well to varying climates and growing methods to help your plants thrive. Because all of our raw materials are perfectly washed and dried using specialised machinery, growers need not worry about weeds, insects, diseases, and bugs. All dripper holes, mixtures and dimensions can be altered according to your needs.

Mixes Water Holding Capacity Air Porosity
XGold Pep I 47-50% 40-42%
XGold Pep II 51-54% 35-39%
XGold Pep III 55-58% 30-34%
XGold Pep Plus 59-62% 20-25%


Green ScienX coir substrates are the best suitable medium to cultivate your tomato crop. Growers can now stop worrying about weeds, insects, diseases, and bugs because all of our raw materials are perfectly washed and dried using specialised machinery. We offer multiple packing formats to suit your growing methods and make cultivation smoother. All dripper holes, mixtures and dimensions can be altered according to your requirement.

Mixes Water Holding Capacity Air Porosity
XGold Tomo I 47-50% 40-42%
XGold Tomo II 51-54% 35-39%
XGold Tomo III 55-58% 30-34%
XGold Tomo Plus 59-62% 20-25%


Our substrates, made of high quality raw material, adapt well to varying climates and growing methods to help your plants thrive. Green scienx Growbags and substrates are suited for all types of cucumbers including the Continental and Cocktail varieties. All dripper holes, mixtures and dimensions can be altered according to your needs.

Mixes Water Holding Capacity Air Porosity
XGold Cuc I 47-50% 40-42%
XGold Cuc II 51-54% 35-39%
XGold Cuc III 55-58% 30-34%
XGold Cuc Plus 59-62% 20-25%